Scientific Meeting and Conference Center Gastdozentenhaus Karlsruhe
Engesserstrasse 3
76131 Karlsruhe
Directions by car
You can reach Karlsruhe via the A5 freeway. Leave the highway at the Karlsruhe-Durlach exit and follow Durlacher Allee in the direction of the city center until you reach Durlacher Tor, where you turn right. The next exit on the left is the main entrance to the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (signposted).
To get to Engesserstraße 3, take the main entrance to Campus Süd from Adenauerring. As a guest of the Scientific Meeting Center and
conference venue Gastdozentenhaus Karlsruhe, you also need a day access permit to Campus South, which you can pick up at the KIT registration desk (on the ground floor of the library, building 30.51). (see also
There are parking spaces directly in front of the Scientific Meeting Center and
Tagungsstätte Gastdozentenhaus Karlsruhe where you can park your car.
Alternative parking possibilities
There are parking facilities near the Scientific Meeting and Conference Center
Gastdozentenhaus Karlsruhe. The closest is the Schlossplatz car park in the Schlossplatzstraße, and is open 24 hours/day. Other parking possibilities can be found in the car park at the Kronenplatz in the Fritz-Erler-Straße. These two car parks are within 10 minutes walking distance from us.
Directions by train
The closest tram station to the Gastdozentenhaus is at “Kronenplatz” in the Fritz-Erler-Straße/ Kaiserstraße. From Karlsruhe main station you can take the tram lines 2, S1, S11, S4, S41 and S5 to Kronenplatz. Please note that the tram routes in Karlsruhe are often subject to change due to major construction projects. For more information check the route here: